The United States, as well as other countries, have struggled to come up with a way to eliminate hunger. The truth of the matter is that as long as there is poverty, there will be hunger. Entire families often must worry about where there next meal will come from. We have all seen homeless individuals holding signs on the sides of roads which read, “will work for food.” This is a mark of desperation, and it should not be ignored. When most of us think of what it means to be hungry, we often associate the feeling with missing a meal or not eating at the proper dinner time. However, being hungry means something quite different for those who truly do not have enough to eat.

 One of the great things about human beings is that we have the ability to show compassion and to feel empathy for others. Everyone goes through struggle at some point in their lives, and it is important to remember the times when someone was there to help you out. Thankfully there are some great charity organizations which focus on helping the hungry. One of these organizations is called Feeding America, and their website can be found at Feeding America is widely recognized as the most prominent organization when it comes to fighting hunger.

 Feeding America operates by running a nation wide network of food banks and collection sites. They achieve success by establishing great partnerships with other organizations and church groups. Many of the nation’s food store chains work with Feeding America to come up with great donation plans. Additionally, Feeding America partners with food store chains to allow promotions to take place at the point of sale. For example, if you have ever been asked if you would like to make a donation while you are paying for food in the grocery line, then you have seen this partnership in action.

 Perhaps the most important time that you can join Feeding America is during the winter months. Winter months are especially hard on people who are less fortunate than us. They not only have to worry about surviving the elements, but they also must concern themselves with where there next meal will come form. The good news is that there are great charities available to assist these people, and they are eager to teach you about the things that you can do to help. Helping others in need is a great way to do something selfless for someone else.

 If you are interested in donating or helping out a local organization which feeds the hungry, then make sure you donate items that do not perish easily. Charities love to take in canned goods for this reason. They can be stored for extended periods of time, and many do not require refrigeration or other storage requirements. Take the time to help feed the hungry today, by making a donation to Feeding America, or another charity of your choice.

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